Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Christmas card time again!

Every year since we've been married, Andy and I have sent out a photo card at Christmas. Or rather, I have forced Andy to sit for pictures and I have created and mailed out the cards.

Since we had the bunnies they have played a staring roll in our annual card. This year I've been planning the bunny's Christmas photo since September. I'm very excited.

This is the original bunny photo. The one that started it all.

One of the most important things to consider when I'm planning our card is what the design should be. I always try to pick out a design that matches the photo in question. This year I've been browsing though Shutterfly's stock of Christmas and holiday cards, and I'm having a really difficult time choosing which to use. There are so many great designs that would go with our photo this year. The possibilities are endless.

This one is one of my favorites:

If you are like me (a slacker) and haven't mailed out your cards yet, head over the Shutterfly and check out their great selection of cards. They also have photo books, mugs, calendars and a whole selection of other things that would make great Christmas gifts! Also, if you are a blogger and want to get some free photo cards, go check out their site, write a little review on your blog and go here to sign up for this great holiday promotion!


I've decided to share the love this year. If you would like to receive our Christmas card just send an email with your mailing information and I'll be happy to put one in the mail for you.

Send your card request to:

Happy card making!

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